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SEO - Search Engine Optimization

The acronym of SEO is Search engine optimization. SEO is a process of improving the traffic of your site. This is done by listing out your site in the search engine result. Normally in the search if your site has the matching keyword then it would be listed but by using the search engine optimization you can bring your site to first 10 position of the search result because of it you would more number of visitors.

SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.

HTML Tags and SEO

The Title tag is the most important part of the page. These tags are seen by the visitors in search results, and it should contain your targeted keywords. The title tag can make your page rank or make it disappear from search results. The title given to each of your web content must contain the details regarding the title else once visited visitors will not wish to come next time. Use this format for web page title tags:

Keywords or Website Name or Brand

It's ok to include only your keywords without the site name, especially if you aren't branding using other Internet marketing methods, then

Your h1 tag is very important. As with the web page title, you should include your targeted keywords in this tag.

Your h2 tag is next in importance. You should put keyword variations in this tag It's okay to be more natural here.

Your h3 is less important, but still very useful. Promote keyword variations or subheadings using the H3 tag. You can relax a bit with this one and mention keywords only once in a while.

Now that we've talked about the title tags, let's briefly touch on links so you can see one aspect of why getting the keywords in your title tag is important.

It's very important to include targeted keywords in anchor text in inbound links. You should also use targeted keywords in internal links, including navigation. The search engines take strong notice of keywords in these positions.

This is true for links that are "followed." But what about links that are designated "nofollow"? Many blogs and other sites make any links in comments automatically nofollow.

Image tag:

Include your keywords in the image name and image ALT tag text. The ALT tag is treated like anchor text in image links. So if that keyword is searched then your site would be listed in the search result.
SEO techniques

SEO techniques are classified into two categories they are
1. White Hat SEO
2. Black Hat SEO

Normally the search engine would not like to show the copied content from the other sites. White Hat would tend to produce the result for the long time and the Black Hat consider it as a spam and the site would be banned temporarily or permanently once it find.

The white hat increases the ranking of your site. Some text may be hidden or it may be in the same color as the background in such cases the white hat would display those content and make them visible to the viewers.


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