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Google's advice for your website

A website that has been listed first in the search list would contain one thing common: good writing (i.e) good content. The content in your website must be unique rather than copying it from the other website which regarded as the spam by the search engine optimizer.
Next the keywords given by you for each post must be unique and should be used by many while searching so that your site would be listed first in the search result. the content of the post and the title must be releated in someway so that the once viewed visitors would once again visit your website.
I looked at the google's top five pages for the five most searched keyword as identified by word tracker the sites that are listed in the search would have the overwhelming majority of the traffic delivered by the google.
Frequently the content of the website must be updated atleast within few weeks its better to update the content every few days, so that your site would have some thing new every time when a visitor visits your site.
The contents in the website must be free from the Spelling and Grammar mistake it is done by microsoft spellcheck software. Find the best words from the


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